

May 03, 2023

Occupied Palestinian territory: Protection of Civilians Report


Download Report Download Report Download Report On 30 May, an Israeli settler was shot and killed in a Palestinian drive-by shooting near the settlement of Hermesh between Jenin and Tulkarm governorates in the northern West Bank. Israeli forces killed four Palestinians and injured 67 others during two search-and-arrest operations in Nablus and Jenin. Between 1 January and 29 May 2023, Israeli forces killed 112 Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, more than twice the number of deaths (53) in the same period in 2022. An Israeli settler shot and killed a Palestinian man who entered an Israeli settlement in Hebron, reportedly holding a knife. Since the beginning of 2023 until 29 May, Israeli settlers killed five Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, three of whom were perpetrators/alleged perpetrators of attacks against Israelis. A total of 409 Palestinians, including at least 41 children, were injured by Israeli forces across the West Bank; 40 of them were shot with live ammunition. On May 18, thousands of Israelis marched through East Jerusalem during the annual Jerusalem Day "Flag March", which commemorates the Israeli capture of East Jerusalem in 1967. Israeli settlers injured 17 Palestinians, including three with live ammunition, and people known or believed to be settlers damaged Palestinian property in another 19 instances across the West Bank. Two Israeli settlers were injured by stone-throwing at vehicles while traveling on West Bank roads in Nablus and Ramallah on 23 and 29 May. Additionally, one soldier was injured in a ramming attack. Residents of the Palestinian herding community of Ein Samiya in Ramallah relocated from their community on 22 May, due to repeated settler violence, reduced grazing land due to settlement expansion, demolitions, and threats to their school from the Israeli authorities. Intensified Israeli settlement activities near the Palestinian village of Burqa (Nablus) have raised concerns over people's safety and access to livelihoods. On 23 May, Israeli forces raided Ni'lin village (Ramallah) in Area B of the West Bank and demolished on punitive grounds the multiple-story home of a family whose member killed one Israeli and injured two others in an attack in Israel on 9 March 2023. Since the beginning of 2023, eleven homes and one agricultural structure have been demolished on punitive grounds, compared with 14 structures in 2022 and three in 2021. Punitive demolitions are a form of collective punishment and as such are illegal under international law. In the Gaza Strip, in at least 15 incidents, Israeli forces opened "warning fire" at Palestinians approaching or near Israel's perimeter fence or off the coast, presumably to enforce access restrictions.