

Aug 08, 2023

Volunteers needed for wrought iron gate recording project

Anyone interested in getting involved in a project to record wrought iron gates and celebrate the work of blacksmiths in the area is urged to attend a public meeting in Baylin NS on Saturday next, June 3 at 10am.

Shem Caulfield is the guest speaker, and he has surveyed many gates around the country.

Chairman of Mount Temple Baylin Heritage Group, Cllr Frankie Keena, extended a warm welcome to local people to come along to the meeting at the weekend and get involved in the initiative.

"The aim of the project is to celebrate the trade of the blacksmith and to get people out and about photographing and documenting the wrought iron gates and old gate piers in their area," he explained.

"This will help to create a database from which, in time, it is planned to create an exhibition," he added.

This project is an action of the Westmeath Heritage Plan and is being funded by The Heritage Council, with support from Westmeath County Council.